A community

for everyone


We’re happy you’re here!

If you’re joining us in-person for the first time, let us know! We would love to show you where everything is, help you grab a cup of coffee or other hot drink, and connect!

You can also fill out our Connect Card online to have someone reach out to you and connect about next steps.

We can’t wait to meet you!

In-Person Experience

What to Expect              

on Saturday Mornings

Located just off of Gordon Dr. and Springfield Rd., we meet together every week for approximately 90 - 100 minutes.

Each weekend looks a little different but will always include music and worship time, children’s story, and an impactful message.

If you are joining us for the first time, our hope is that you feel at home and welcome!

Come and join us on Saturdays at 11 am PST (in person and online).

See what our community has to say…

Frequently Asked Questions


  • You’re invited to join us for our weekly worship service at 11 AM on Saturday morning, in-person or online.

  • Yes! You can watch our service live on Saturday morning at 11AM (PST) here on our website or by visiting youtube.com/sonvalleyfellowship. If you are blessed, please like comment and subscribe!

  • You can expect to experience our music and worship, hear about what’s happening in our community, and dive into a message and story from one of a variety of speakers.

    You are free to participate however you want. Whether you are new to church or are deeply connected, your presence is important and welcome!

  • Our Sabbath morning services are usually 90-100 minutes long.

  • We’ve got a seat for everyone! But if you want to take your time to find one, have a hot beverage along the way, or chat with our community, we recommend you arrive 15 minutes before our service starts.

    We have seating available on the floor or in the balcony, which is a favourite gathering spot for our youth and young adults!

  • Whatever you are comfortable in! You will see some of our community in hoodies and jeans and others in suits and dresses. No dress code here!

  • They are encouraged to join us during our worship music service to sing and praise together! They can then come to the front for a Kid’s Time story designed just for them. After, they are free to go to our Kid’s Classes (Wee Tots 0-6, Bible Troopers 7-12) and participate with other children their age in an interactive lesson or they can stay with you in our service for the teaching time. There are quiet activity bags for them at the back of the church if needed!

  • Yes! We have a Nursery Room with toys, a change table and a nursing chair right next to a large family bathroom.

  • For those with mobility challenges, there is a space designated on the ground floor of the sanctuary for wheel chair access and seating along the middle aisle. If you would like assistance finding a spot, please feel free to ask a greeter or anyone wearing a volunteer badge.

    Those in our community who are deaf or hard of hearing use the livestream with closed captioning to follow along with the service. If you require technical assistance to get that set up on your device, please see one of our Tech Booth volunteers at the back. They are happy to help!

  • Oh, we got you! We have hot drink stations in the foyer with a variety of coffees, hot chocolate and teas. It’s on us! P.S. there may even be some sweet treats as well!

  • Our sound techs monitor the sound and keep it around 90 decibels. If you like it louder, front and center is for you, if you like it quieter, towards the back may be better.

  • No! We have big spot lights and lighting on the back of the stage, but there won’t be any crazy light show here!

  • Of course not! There will be baskets that are passed around during the service and if you feel touched and moved to give, we appreciate it, but there is no obligation.

    Our church is funded by the offerings collected, which pay for our building rental, equipment, salaries, and everything else needed to run a church.

    We appreciate everyone who dedicates and gives funds to helping us continue our ministries, as we cannot do it without them, but please don’t feel pressured to give.

  • We’re so happy! To stay connected with us and know about services, events, connection times, and more, sign up for our newsletter here! You can also join us on our Church Center App and follow us on Instagram and Facebook for more updates!

We can’t wait to see you there!

If you have any questions please feel free to reach out to us. Click Here ➜